The Alma Mater: Hymn of Hope

“What puts the “fight” in the Fighting Irish? Hope—it is hope that makes this University resilient in adversity. It is a hope that gives this University the courage to work for the common good, especially for those who have no hope.

This kind of hope stands fast especially when faced with a challenge. There is a long campus tradition that was born in such a moment of adversity, and it continues to inspire today: the Alma Mater song, “Notre Dame, Our Mother.”

In 1931, a disaster shook the Notre Dame family to its core—coaching legend Knute Rockne died suddenly when his plane crashed in a wheat field in Kansas. Almost 100 years later, Rockne still remains the winningest coach in football history, and his statue stands in front of the football stadium gate that faces the library.” Source: The Alma Mater: Hymn of Hope

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