Here’s Why Everyone is a Bit More Anxious These Days — And What You Can Do About It

It’s official – the COVID-19 pandemic officially changed our personalities. Truity research has discovered important shifts in the Big Five Category of Neuroticism, namely that our tendency to be anxious has steadily increased since the start of the pandemic. Source: Here’s Why Everyone is a Bit More Anxious These Days — And What You

The Curious Personality Changes of Older Age

When people lose the ability to control their circumstances, their selves sometimes evolve instead.

“You’ve probably heard the saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” An awful phrase, I know, but it speaks to a common belief about older adulthood: that it’s a time of stagnation. A time when we’ve become so set in our ways that, whether we’re proud of them or not, we’re not likely to budge.

Psychologists used to follow the same line of thinking: After young adulthood, people tend to settle into themselves, and personality, though not immutable, usually becomes stabler as people age. And that’s true—until a certain point. More recent studies suggest that something unexpected happens to many people as they reach and pass their 60s: Their personality starts changing again.” Go to source to learn more: The Curious Personality Changes of Older Age

Choose the lens you use to look at the world 

Bonus: Are there parallels between stoicism and buddhism?

50 Rules For Life From Marcus Aurelius

“Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor, born nearly two millennia ago (121 – 180). Marcus became the Emperor of the Roman Empire in 161 and ruled for nearly two decades until his death in 180. It is important to realize the gravity of that position and the magnitude of power that Marcus possessed. He held one of—if not the most—powerful positions in the world at the time. If he chose to, nothing would be off limits. There is a reason the adage that power in absolute absolutely corrupts has been repeated throughout history—it unfortunately tends to be true. And yet, as the essayist Matthew Arnold remarked, Marcus proved himself worthy of the position he was in.”

Aloneness to Oneness

“Only 5% of the stuff in our universe is made up of normal matter, but that is where most of us put 100% of our focus and attention. This creates an illusion of separateness where we believe we are alone and that when our material body dies, that’s the end. We even call this stuff “matter” because we believe it is all that matters. But, the other 95% of stuff in our universe is made up of energies and a mysterious dark matter, which actually govern our universe, our bodies, our experiences and our lives. This non-material universe can also be called the spiritual universe. As we tap into this spiritual dimension, we start to see how all things are connected, we see relationships, we feel energies, we sense intuition, and we discover the true nature of our mind. Todd Perelmuter takes us on a spiritual journey, from Aloneness to Oneness, where borders and barriers disappear, and open hearts and open minds take hold. It takes us to a place where anger, greed, hatred and fear cease to be, and only love, joy, peace and gratitude remain. Todd Perelmuter studied meditation and mindfulness from world-renowned teachers around the world for over 9 years. Upon his return to the States, he created EastWesticism, a nonprofit dedicated to helping everyone reach their highest potential and lead a peaceful, calm, and stress-free life.

Recommended reading; Raffaello Palandri

I recently connected with a very interesting person on WordPress; Raffaello Palandri. You can find his website here. He also has authored a few books that I’m interested in digging into. You can find them on Amazon…

Both are free for Amazon Unlimited customers…

Are there parallels between stoicism and buddhism?

Yes, there are many parallels between Stoicism and Buddhism. Both philosophies emphasize the importance of virtue, wisdom, and living in accordance with nature. They also both teach that suffering is caused by attachment to material things and that the way to achieve happiness is to let go of these attachments.

Here are some of the key parallels between Stoicism and Buddhism:

  • The nature of suffering: Both Stoics and Buddhists believe that suffering is a natural part of life. However, they differ in their understanding of the cause of suffering. Stoics believe that suffering is caused by our attachment to material things and our judgments about external events. Buddhists believe that suffering is caused by our ignorance of the true nature of reality.
  • The path to happiness: Both Stoics and Buddhists believe that the path to happiness is to live in accordance with nature. Stoics believe that this means living a life of virtue, wisdom, and self-control. Buddhists believe that this means living a life of compassion, mindfulness, and detachment.
  • The importance of virtue: Both Stoics and Buddhists believe that virtue is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Stoics define virtue as living in accordance with nature, while Buddhists define it as living a life of compassion, wisdom, and mindfulness.
  • The importance of wisdom: Both Stoics and Buddhists believe that wisdom is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Stoics define wisdom as the ability to see things as they really are, while Buddhists define it as the ability to see the interconnectedness of all things.
  • The importance of meditation: Both Stoics and Buddhists practice meditation as a way to cultivate virtue, wisdom, and detachment. Stoics use meditation to train their minds to focus on the present moment and to control their emotions. Buddhists use meditation to train their minds to see the true nature of reality and to let go of attachments.

Despite their similarities, Stoicism and Buddhism also have some important differences. For example, Stoics believe in the existence of free will, while Buddhists believe that everything is determined by karma. Stoics also believe in the existence of a soul, while Buddhists believe that there is no such thing as a soul.

Despite these differences, Stoicism and Buddhism are both valuable philosophies that can offer us guidance on how to live a happy and fulfilling life.

What Marcus Aurelius Learned from His Father About Being a Good Man

Another excellent post from Ryan Holiday, this time about the things that Marcus Aurelius learned from his father:

Eckhart on the Nobility of All

In his treatise on the nobility of all, Eckhart tells the peasants that “no one is nobler that you.”  We are equal, not ranked. What our Lord calls a nobleman, the prophet calls a great eagle.  Who then is nobler than one who is born, on the one hand of the highest and the best that the … Eckhart on the Nobility of All, Part II Read More: Eckhart on the Nobility of All, Part II – Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox

A wholistic approach to human growth

A holistic approach to human growth is a way of thinking about and promoting human development that considers all aspects of a person’s life, including their physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. This approach recognizes that all of these aspects are interconnected and that a healthy and fulfilling life requires attention to all of them.

There are many different ways to promote holistic human growth. Some common approaches include:

  • Physical health: Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep are all important for physical health.
  • Mental health: Maintaining positive relationships, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking professional help if needed are all important for mental health.
  • Emotional health: Learning how to express and manage emotions in a healthy way is important for emotional health.
  • Social health: Building strong relationships with family and friends, participating in community activities, and learning how to resolve conflict are all important for social health.
  • Spiritual health: Finding meaning and purpose in life, developing a personal belief system, and connecting with something larger than oneself are all important for spiritual health.

A holistic approach to human growth can be beneficial for people of all ages. It can help people to live longer, healthier, and happier lives. It can also help people to cope with challenges and to reach their full potential.

Credit Rafaello Palandri

Here are some additional tips for promoting holistic human growth:

  • Set goals for yourself in all areas of your life. This will help you to stay motivated and focused on your overall well-being.
  • Make time for self-care. This could include activities such as reading, spending time in nature, or getting a massage.
  • Be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t dwell on your failures. Instead, learn from them and move on.
  • Find a support system. Having people who care about you and who can offer you support is essential for your emotional and social well-being.
  • Be open to change. Life is constantly changing. Be willing to adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

By taking a holistic approach to human growth, you can create a life that is full of meaning, purpose, and joy.

We’re Hard-Wired to Crave Nature

Too little green in your life? You’re not alone. But can science prove that you’re hardwired to crave nature? Source: We’re Hard-Wired to Crave Nature – Mindful

Just Because You Think It, Doesn’t Mean It’s True

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