Is This Person Capable of Giving You What You Want?

Imagine living with people who respect each other’s boundaries, use positive communication strategies, and understand each other’s limitations and capabilities. Here’s how: Is This Person Capable of Giving You What You Want?


6 Signs You’re With the “Right” Person

Do you believe in soulmates? Discover six signs you’re in a relationship with someone highly compatible in how you love each other. Source: 6 Signs You’re With the “Right” Person


Why Relationships Fail

Ever wonder why some relationships seem doomed? Let’s have a real talk on how to break free from these patterns, grow as individuals, and build a rock-solid relationship. Source: Why Relationships Fail

Loving Someone Is a Choice

The key is to see love as an ongoing journey, not just a feeling. It requires constant work, vulnerability, and self-reflection. Source: Loving Someone Is a Choice

Running On Faith

Well, I’ve always been
One to take each and every day
Seems like by now
I’d find a love who cares just for me

Then we’d go running on faith
All of our dreams would come true
And our world will be right
When love comes over me and you,
Yes it would

5 Mindsets That Kill Relationships

Avoid these common thinking traps that can come between you and your partner and replace them with more helpful beliefs. Source: 5 Mindsets That Kill Relationships


The Heart Break Tool Box

You can develop a toolbox to get through your breakup, and it will help. Source: The Heart Break Tool Box

Still In Love With Your Partner? 3 Questions to Find Out

Answer these three questions to discover if your love for your partner is still strong. Source: Still In Love With Your Partner? 3 Questions to Find Out

3 Reasons Why Your Partner May Be “Pocketing” You

Some people keep their relationships a little bit too private. Here’s why. Source: 3 Reasons Why Your Partner May Be “Pocketing” You

Letting Go With Grace: How to Fall Out of Love

Relationship endings, regardless of who made the choice, are painful. We can make some of our most destructive choices during this time. Source: Letting Go With Grace: How to Fall Out of Love


Jeff Daniels Shocks Kelly Clarkson With Moving Original Song Performance

“What just happened?!” During a conversation about Jeff Daniel’s love of music, Jeff shocks Kelly with a moving performance on the acoustic guitar of one of his original songs…

Are You the Sum of What You Do, or Just a Decent Person?

Retiring is a complicated issue. You need to decide many things, including where you want to go and who you’ll be without the status of a job title. Source: Are You the Sum of What You Do, or Just a Decent Person?

Are You in Intimacy Sync With Your Partner?

Life changes, and so do your intimacy needs. Source: Are You in Intimacy Sync With Your Partner?

5 Ways to Tell if You, and Your Relationship, Will Grow Over Time

New couples research shows the value of adding exploration to your romance. Source: 5 Ways to Tell if You, and Your Relationship, Will Grow Over Time

3 Important Boundaries That Every Couple Should Have

Modern problems require modern solutions—especially in relationships. Source: 3 Important Boundaries That Every Couple Should Have


Breadcrumbing: What it means and examples in dating or relationships

Toxic “breadcrumbing,” common in today’s dating scene, can seriously harm someone’s mental state or outlook on relationships. Here’s how to spot the behavior and heal. Source: Breadcrumbing: What it means and examples in dating or relationships | CNN


Put on Your Attachment Hat & Change your Romantic Attachment Style

“A lot of times couples think they’re fighting about someone coming home late or chores. But what they’re really fighting about is, do you see me? Do you value me? Do you need me? Can I count on you and until that gets addressed and articulated they’re unlikely to be able to resolve conflict.” 

Ashley Harvey

In a talk that will leave you feeling both stirred up and optimistic, university professor and relationship educator Ashley Harvey shares five principles from attachment theory that you can use to understand and change your attachment style so that you can decrease conflict and increase connection in your romantic relationships. In a talk that will leave you feeling both stirred up and optimistic, university professor and relationship educator Ashley Harvey shares five principles from attachment theory that you can use to understand and change your attachment style so that you can decrease conflict and increase connection in your romantic relationships. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Attachment theory is the science of love

Understanding Attachment Theory: A Fundamental Framework for Human Relationships

Attachment theory, pioneered by British psychologist John Bowlby, has significantly shaped our comprehension of human bonds and relationships. This influential framework offers profound insights into the development of emotional connections, spanning across various stages of life. Let’s delve into the core concepts of attachment theory and its implications for understanding human behavior and interaction.

The Foundation of Attachment Theory

At the heart of attachment theory lies the idea that the quality of early relationships, particularly with primary caregivers, profoundly impacts an individual’s emotional and social development. Bowlby proposed that the nature of these initial attachments sets the stage for one’s perception of self, others, and relationships.

Continue reading “Attachment theory is the science of love”

The Healing Power of Touch: New Scientific Insights

A new study presents novel insights on the mental health benefits of touch. Source: The Healing Power of Touch: New Scientific Insights

Why Do Women Like Men With Dad Bods?

The Dad Bod is appealing for reasons beyond physical attractiveness. Source: Why Do Women Like Men With Dad Bods?

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Communication Equals Better Sex

Sex can be much better when it is talked about, explained, and demonstrated. Source: Communication Equals Better Sex

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