Breadcrumbing: What it means and examples in dating or relationships

Toxic “breadcrumbing,” common in today’s dating scene, can seriously harm someone’s mental state or outlook on relationships. Here’s how to spot the behavior and heal. Source: Breadcrumbing: What it means and examples in dating or relationships | CNN


Relational Trauma Impacts on Dating and Marriage

Exploring emotional baggage in romantic relationships when we endure trauma. Source: Relational Trauma Impacts on Dating and Marriage

Are You Destined to Be Single and Alone Forever?

10 things that could be keeping you unattached. Source: Are You Destined to Be Single and Alone Forever?

14 Benefits of Being Single

Singlehood can be much better than being paired — especially with the wrong person. Source: 14 Benefits of Being Single

The Overlooked Importance of Attachment Style in Mate Choice

Understanding attachment’s evolutionary origins to make better dating decisions. Source: The Overlooked Importance of Attachment Style in Mate Choice

Why “Penny Dating” Is So Manipulative and Hurtful

… and 4 key signs to watch for. Source: Why “Penny Dating” Is So Manipulative and Hurtful

Why Many Couples Are Happy Living Apart Together or Together Apart

“Sometimes I want us to decide to take different paths for the day.” Source: Why Many Couples Are Happy Living Apart Together or Together Apart

What Is the ‘Not Attached to an Outcome’ Dating Strategy?

The pros and cons of a popular Gen Z dating strategy. Source: What Is the ‘Not Attached to an Outcome’ Dating Strategy?

Embracing a Living Apart Together Relationship

In the modern landscape of relationships, the concept of “Living Apart Together” (LAT) has gained significant traction as an alternative to traditional cohabitation. This unconventional arrangement offers a unique balance of intimacy and independence, with a myriad of benefits that cater to the individual’s emotional and relational needs.

Continue reading “Embracing a Living Apart Together Relationship”

Living Apart Together Is the Best Relationship Decision I’ve Made

Leah Rockwell writes “Every Monday, I wake up at 5:45 am and I drive, half-asleep, to a local pool for my morning laps, my every-other-day routine for more than 20 years. I swim in complete silence, the water blissfully making conversation impossible. I breathe deeply, sinking into my body’s rhythm, slowly awakening over the course of those 30 minutes.

Then I melt into a warm shower, followed by a cup of coffee in solitude. Before daybreak, I relish the peace of not answering any questions or coordinating who’s responsible for packing lunches or doing the day’s grocery run, surrendering to this daily self-reflection practice before transitioning into my workday. And I’m able to do this despite having two daughters, ages 15 and 12, plus a committed partner with three teenage boys of his own.

How? My partner and I don’t share a home, unwittingly joining the Living Apart Together (LAT) movement, and I can have these mornings when my kids are with their other parent.” Source: Living Apart Together Is the Best Relationship Decision I’ve Made

Living Apart Together

Exploring the modern day concept of Marriage and co-habitation versus the “Living apart together” concept. Is society divorcing its self from Traditional Values or are we undergoing an acceptance for something new? Source:

Here’s Why Some Older People Are Single by Choice

Learn why more older adults – from middle-aged to senior citizens – are choosing to stay happily single. It’s a choice many happily make. Source: Here’s Why Some Older People Are Single by Choice

The greatest gift?

Daily writing prompt
What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

This Christmas I received one of the best gifts ever — but not in the way you might think. Let me explain…

When I opened the package, there was a ‘coupon’ for a performance of Mozart’s Requiem — one of my three favorite classical pieces ever! I was ‘over the moon’ ecstatic — the Requiem at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra? How would I ever wait until March?! Then we learned the performance was actually sold out. I don’t understand how that happened but what I do understand is the best gift of all — my beloved sees me and knows me and she picked the perfect gift: the gift of being seen and loved for who I am and to me that is the greatest gift of all

Don’t Let Love Take Over Your Life

The case for love-life balance. Source: Don’t Let Love Take Over Your Life

What Is ‘Living Apart Together,’ and Is It Right for You?

LAT (Living Apart Together) lets couples maintain some independence while still staying committed. Here’s how it works and how you can make it work, according to experts. Source: What Is ‘Living Apart Together,’ and Is It Right for You? Here’s What Relationship Experts Think

Is Living Apart Together Better Than Living Together Apart?

Can you be single while in a relationship? Source: Is Living Apart Together Better Than Living Together Apart?

The Worst Kind of Betrayal

I had never heard of Brené Brown until a few weeks ago when my friend Tim Kastelle referenced her on his blog. Now, she is everywhere in my life – I think the universe is sending me a message. Here is a great post by Lissa Rankin on some of Brené’s thinking:

I was reading my shero Brené Brown’s new book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead when I reached page fifty-one and my heart stopped in an “OMG, how did she read my mind, and how did she know exactly how to give language to something that’s been hurting for years?” sort of way.

Continue reading “The Worst Kind of Betrayal”

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