How To Overcome Your Fear In 30 Seconds

Brian Johnson’s teachings are one of the best things I’ve discovered recently. He says:

Everyone has fear. Regardless of who we are, we all experience this emotion. Even the toughest of sporting legends and the bravest characters in history have at some point been crippled by fear. It’s what we do when fear is gripping our body and questioning our mindset that sets us apart.

Fear can often act as an indication that we have lost. It puts up an invisible barrier between our dreams signaling that we are at odds of achieving them. However, having the courage to break through that wall and turn your fear into excitement is what drives success and sets us free.

In this 12-minute video, Philosopher’s Notes author, Brian Johnson, is back again with some invaluable advice as he explains why we feel fear, and how we can all conquer it by following three easy steps in 30 seconds.

via How To Overcome Your Fear In 30 Seconds | FinerMinds.

3 thoughts on “How To Overcome Your Fear In 30 Seconds

  1. Reblogged this on Todd Lohenry and commented:

    As far as I can tell, I first ‘discovered’ Brian Johnson and his teaching on ‘ancient intelligence’ 7 years ago. This year? I am camping on his site learning and implementing all I can. Want to learn more? Click the link in the menu bar…


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